We investigate visual attention while interacting with geo information and in spatial decision situations. Eye tracking technology is used in order to understand users, predict their behavior, and assist them in their spatial activities. We combine competences and methods from Geographic Information Science, Computer Science, and Human Computer Interaction. We currently focus on the following three application areas:
Gaze-Informed Location-Based Services (GAIN-LBS) are LBS that consider the user's gaze as one type of context information.
Gaze-based interaction with digital maps or other types of geographic information visualizations.
Improving a pilot’s spatial awareness by enhancing flight operations and pilot training with gaze-based interactions.
Find the results of our newest study on aviation weather visualizations at https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2024.2445317.
Read MoreOur recent publication on how AR can support pilots in emergency situations is published open access. You can find it at https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2024.2440976.
Read MoreA recent video of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore has showcased the research of the geoGAZElab as part of the research programmes at the Singapore-ETH Centre, a joint initiative between ETH Zurich and the National Research Foundation of Singapore. The video demonstrates how eye-tracking technology can be used to analyze human behaviour and optimize
Read More3D sketch mapping use cases were published in COSIT 2024
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