ETRA 2025: Call for Papers
With Peter Kiefer serving as one of the Full Paper Chairs, we’re again involved in the organization of the next ETRA conference, taking place in Tokyo, Japan, 26-29 May 2025.
Please check out the Call for Papers!
With Peter Kiefer serving as one of the Full Paper Chairs, we’re again involved in the organization of the next ETRA conference, taking place in Tokyo, Japan, 26-29 May 2025.
Please check out the Call for Papers!
With Peter acting as one of the Full Paper Chairs, we have once more contributed to a successful ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA 2024), which took place in Glasgow (U.K.) June 4-7. A total of 25 full papers were accepted, selected from 68 submissions after a rigorous reviewing process (37% acceptance rate).
The proceedings have been published as issues in PACM HCI and PACM CGIT.
Looking forward to ETRA 2025!
The 3D Sketch Map project team had a very productive research meeting in Münster, thanks to Prof. Jakub Krukar for the perfect organization in this wonderful city! In this project, we investigate 3D sketch maps from a theoretical, empirical, cognitive, as well as tool-related perspective, with a particular focus on Extended Reality (XR) technologies. Sketch mapping is an established research method in fields that study human spatial decision-making and information processing, such as navigation and wayfinding. Although space is naturally three-dimensional (3D), contemporary research has focused on assessing individuals’ spatial knowledge with two-dimensional (2D) sketches. For many domains though, such as aviation or the cognition of complex multilevel buildings, it is essential to study people’s 3D understanding of space, which is not possible with the current 2D methods. In the research meeting, we exchanged our latest research outputs and future plans.
The second Winter School of the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU at SWPS in Warsaw has concluded. It has been an inspiring and invigorating week, filled with discussions on eye-tracking research, for Lin Che, Yiwei Wang, and Peter Kiefer.
The Winter School featured a diverse range of courses covering topics such as eye-tracking, computational modeling, and transferable skills. Additionally, doctoral candidates had Advisory Board Meetings with their supervisors, co-advisors, and associated partners from companies to discuss their research topics. All doctoral candidates delivered excellent poster presentations showcasing their research progress, and also successfully completed the eye-tracking “Marie Sklodowska Curie Steps” challenge task!
We extend our gratitude to the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI for financing our participation in the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU.
After a hiatus of five years, we were happy to co-organize the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ) revival meet-up. Together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Hölscher (Chair of Cognitive Sciences, ETH Zurich), and Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt (Product Development Group, ETH Zurich), the meet-up took place on Tuesday 19 March.
Besides two presentations, one by Prof. Meboldt and one held by our group (Eyes4ICU,, we discussed on the future directions of ETIZ, tried new hardware, and had time to socialize at an apéro.
All in all, over 20 academics from three different universities joined the evening. We look forward to a follow-up event soon.
Yiwei Wang presenting his research at the ETIZ meetup, where he showcased his part of the Eyes4ICU project.
Peter Kiefer will be serving as one of the Full Paper Chairs for the ETRA 2024 conference, taking place in Glasgow, U.K., 4-7 June 2024.
Please check out the Call for Papers!
The geoGAZElab has been part of the ETRA community for many years. We’re happy to continue contributing to this vibrant community, pushing forward excellent research in this exciting field.
What a great first event of the Eyes4ICU MSCA doctoral network! During a 1-week Winter School on Reisensburg Castle (close to Ulm, Germany), Peter, Lin and Yiwei met the other consortium members and the advisory board of Eyes4ICU.
The Winter School consisted of courses on eye tracking, computational modeling, and transferable skills. We kicked off the doctoral candidate projects by meeting the co-supervisors and partners and, certainly, this was a great opportunity for social networking.
A perfect start for Lin and Yiwei, who have just started on the project this month!
Our participation in this MSCA doctoral network is funded by the State Secretariate for Education, Research and Innovation. We’re grateful to have Esri as a partner for our doctoral candidate projects.
Our article “Unobtrusive interaction: a systematic literature review and expert survey” has been accepted for publication by the Human–Computer Interaction (HCI):
Tiffany C.K. Kwok, Peter Kiefer & Martin Raubal (2023). Unobtrusive interaction: a systematic literature review and expert survey, Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2022.2162404
Abstract. Unobtrusiveness has been highlighted as an important design principle in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). However, the understanding of unobtrusiveness in the literature varies. Researchers often claim unobtrusiveness for their interaction method based on their understanding of what unobtrusiveness means. This lack of a shared definition hinders effective communication in research and impedes comparability between approaches. In this article, we approach the question “What is unobtrusive interaction?” with a systematic and extensive literature review of 335 papers and an online survey with experts. We found that not a single definition of unobtrusiveness is universally agreed upon. Instead, we identify five working definitions from the literature and experts’ responses. We summarize the properties of unobtrusive interaction into a design framework with five dimensions and classify the reviewed papers with regard to these dimensions. The article aims to provide researchers with a more unified context to compare their work and identify opportunities for future research.
The article will appear in one of the next issues of the Human–Computer Interaction. It has been published as Open Access and you can get the article here:
What an exciting way of starting into the new year!
Our Winter School on “Eye Tracking – Experimental Design, Implementation, and Analysis” took place in the second week of January on Monte Verità in Ascona, Switzerland. A total of 36 participants attended, with a large variety in terms of research background.
With her virtual keynote, Enkelejda Kasneci (TU Munich, Germany) opened the Winter School, in which she presented her research “On opportunities and challenges of eye tracking and machine learning for adaptive educational interfaces and classroom research”. Over the five days of the Winter School, participants learned about the different steps involved in performing eye tracking experiments, starting from experimental design, over data collection and processing, to statistical analysis (speakers: Nina Gehrer, University of Tübingen, Germany; Andrew Duchowski, Clemson University, S.C., US; Izabela and Krzysztof Krejtz, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland). In hands-on sessions, participants designed and performed their own small eye tracking experiments.
The Winter School also enabled exchange between participants, through group work, poster presentations, and an excursion. The atmosphere of Monte Verità offered the perfect atmosphere and surroundings for this.
Thanks to all who have made this possible, especially our speakers and all sponsors!
Our paper “Two-Step Gaze Guidance” has been published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ’22) as a full paper.
Tiffany C.K. Kwok, Peter Kiefer, Martin Raubal (2022). Two-Step Gaze Guidance, International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ’22), DOI: 10.1145/3536221.3556612
Abstract. One challenge of providing guidance for search tasks consists in guiding the user’s visual attention to certain objects in a potentially large search space. Previous work has tried to guide the user’s attention by providing visual, audio, or haptic cues. The state-of-the-art methods either provide hints pointing towards the approximate direction of the target location for a fast but less accurate search or require the user to perform a fine-grained search from the beginning for a precise yet less efficient search. To combine the advantage of both methods, we propose an interaction concept called Two-Step Gaze Guidance. The first-step guidance focuses on quick guidance toward the approximate direction, and the second-step guidance focuses on fine-grained guidance toward the exact location of the target. A between-subject study (N = 69) with five conditions was carried out to compare the two-step gaze guidance method with the single-step gaze guidance method. Results revealed that the proposed method outperformed the single-step gaze guidance method. More precisely, the introduction of Two-Step Gaze Guidance slightly improves the searching accuracy, and the use of spatial audio as the first-step guidance significantly helps in enhancing the searching efficiency. Our results also indicated several design suggestions for designing gaze guidance methods.
We’re looking forward to our Winter School, taking place in January 2023.
Exciting updates to the program are now included in the updated announcement:
We’re glad that Prof. Dr. Enkelejda Kasneci (Technical University Munich) will be opening the Winter School with a keynote titled “On opportunities and challenges of eye tracking and machine learning for adaptive educational interfaces and classroom research“.
We’d like to thank the following sponsors, whose generous support will enable us to support several young researchers with a travel grant:
Application for travel grants is open until 15 October 2022.
The Winter School is a great opportunity for getting trained on eye tracking methodology, experimental design, and analysis. At the same time, it will facilitate networking with speakers, sponsor representatives, as well as among participants.
We are co-organizing an ETH Winter School on “Eye Tracking – Experimental Design, Implementation, and Analysis” which is going to take place in Monte Verità (Ticino), Switzerland, from 8 to 13 January 2023. Download the first announcement as PDF.
The Winter School targets at PhD students and early PostDocs (coming from any research field) who are using, or planning to use, eye tracking in their research. Internationally recognized experts will provide lectures and hands-on sessions on eye tracking methodology, experimental design, and analysis.
The registration for the Winter School is now open.
Building on the successful 2016 Winter School, the 2023 School will be updated to focus on state-of-the-art software (licensed and open-source, e.g., PsychoPy and Pupil Labs) and hardware. Hands-on exercises will focus on table-mounted eye trackers.
Our accepted paper “Gaze-Adaptive Lenses for Feature-Rich Information Spaces” will be presented at ACM ETRA 2021:
May 25.2021 at 11:00 – 12:00 and 18:00 – 19:00 in “Posters & Demos & Videos”
May 26.2021 at 14:45 – 16.15 in Track 1: “Full Papers V”
Join the virtual conference for a chat!
As last year, we are involved in the organization of ETRA 2021, the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications. Peter is again co-chairing the Demo&Video Track, for which the Call is now available online. The submission deadline is 2 February 2021.
We’ve been involved in the organization of two co-located events at this year’s ETRA conference: Eye Tracking for Spatial Research (ET4S) and Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS). Even though ETRA and all co-located events had to be canceled, the review process was finished regularly, and accepted papers are now available in the ETRA Adjunct Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
Accepted ET4S papers are also linked from the ET4S website.
The proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Eye-Tracking in Aviation (ETAVI) 2020 have been published here.
We thank all program committee members for their efforts and great support, it is very much appreciated.
Furthermore, we thank all authors of the 15 excellent articles that were accepted for ETAVI 2020. We regret that the event had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.
Edit. Some of the organizers from ETH are part of the PEGGASUS project. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 821461
The 5th edition of ET4S is taking place as a co-located event of ETRA 2020 in Stuttgart, Germany, between 2 and 5 June 2020.
The 1st Call for Papers is now available online.
On the 25th of November we presented the final results of our project entitled: “Enhanced flight training program for monitoring aircraft automation“.
The project was partially funded by the swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (BAZL), was lead by SWISS International Airlines Ltd., and supported by Prof. Dr. Robert Mauro from the Department of Psychology (University of Oregon) and Dr. Immanuel Barshi from NASA Ames Research Center, Human Systems Integration Division (NASA).
As part of this very successful project we developed a system that provides instructors with more detailed insights concerning pilots’ attention during training flights, to specifically improve instructors’ assessment of pilot situation awareness.
Our project has recently been featured in different media. ETH News has published a throrough article on our project: Tracking the eye of the pilot and different articles have been referencing this publication. Additionally, there have been two Radio interviews with Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal at Radio Zürisee and SRF4 (both in German).
Moreover, there have been publications during the course of the project:
Rudi, D., Kiefer, P. & Raubal, M. (2019). The Instructor Assistant System (iASSYST) – Utilizing Eye Tracking for Aviation Training Purposes. Ergonomics.
Rudi, D., Kiefer, P., Giannopoulos, I., & Raubal, M. (2019). Gaze-based interactions in the cockpit of the future – a survey. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. Springer. Retrieve from
Rudi D., Kiefer P. & Raubal, M. (2018). Visualizing Pilot Eye Movements for Flight Instructors. In ETVIS ’18: 3rd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 5 pages. Best Paper Award Winner.
We are again involved in the organization of ETRA 2020, the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, taking place in Stuttgart in June 2020.
As one of our activities at ETRA 2020, Peter is co-chairing the Demo&Video Track. The Call for Demos&Videos is now online and open for submissions.
We are glad to announce an invited talk by Sophie Stellmach on Eye Tracking and Mixed Reality as part of the VERA Geomatics Seminar.
Dr. Sophie Stellmach is a Senior Scientist at Microsoft where she explores entirely new ways to engage with and blend our virtual and physical realities in products such as Microsoft HoloLens. Being an avid eye tracking researcher for over a decade, she was heavily involved in the development of gaze-based interaction with HoloLens 2.
The talk will take place as part of the VERA Geomatics Seminar on Thursday, 10th October 2019, 5:00 p.m. at ETH Hönggerberg, HIL D 53.
Title: Multimodal Gaze-supported Input in Mixed Reality and its Promises for Spatial Research
A quick reminder for the “1st International Workshop on Eye-Tracking in Aviation (ETAVI)” that is going to take place March 2019 in Toulouse, France.
The submission deadlines are:
Feel free to also forward the Call for Papers to any interested colleagues.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Edit. Some of the organizers from ETH are part of the PEGGASUS project. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 821461
We’re glad to announce the 1st International Workshop on Eye Tracking in Aviation (ETAVI), which will take place March 17, 2020 in Toulouse, France.
The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who have a common interest in using eye tracking in the aviation domain including, but not limited to the cockpit and air traffic control / management.
The keynote will be given by Leonardo Di Stasi an assistant professor at the University of Granada (Spain) with an extensive research background in the field of Aviation and Eye Tracking.
The Call for Papers is now available (Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2019; Abstract submission deadline: September 9, 2019).
Our group has organized the “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” event as a track at this year’s ETRA conference in Denver, Colorado. It featured four full paper presentations, one short paper presentation, as well as an invited talk (see program). A dominant topic at this year’s ET4S was augmented/mixed/virtual reality. As a particular highlight, our invited speaker Sophie Stellmach (Senior Scientist at Microsoft) highlighted the fascinating opportunities of HoloLens 2, an upcoming mixed reality device that will have eye tracking capabilities included.
The GeoGazeLab was further involved with Fabian’s talk on “POI-Track: Improving Map-Based Planning with Implicit POI Tracking” and Kuno presenting his work on “Space-Time Volume Visualization of Gaze and Stimulus” in the ETRA main program. A paper co-authored by Martin was presented by one of his co-authors (“Eye Tracking Support for Visual Analytics Systems: Foundations, Current Applications, and Research Challenges”).
The invited talk by Sophie Stellmach (Microsoft) …
… attracted quite some audience.
Testing HoloLens 2 after ET4S.
The program of ET4S 2019, a track at ETRA, is now available on the website:
We’re excited to announce Sophie Stellmach (Senior Scientist @ Microsoft, HoloLens team) as this year’s invited speaker at ET4S. The title of her talk is “Eye Tracking in Mixed Reality and its Promises for Spatial Research”.
ET4S 2019 is going to take place 26 June 2019, 15:30 – 18:00, at the ETRA conference in Denver, Colorado, USA. Attendance of ET4S is included in the ETRA registration.
More than 30 participants attended the meeting of the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ) hosted by us on 26 March 2019. Our invited speaker Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart) provided insights into his current and past research on pervasive eye tracking. Tiffany Kwok (GeoGazeLab, LAMETTA project) presented her PhD research on gaze-guided narratives. In an interactive mini-workshop, moderated by Arzu Çöltekin (FHNW), attendees brainstormed about challenges of eye tracking in VR and AR displays. Discussions were continued during an apéro, and many took the opportunity to try out a gaze-adaptive map demo (Fabian Göbel, GeoGazeLab, IGAMaps project).
We are going to host the next meeting of the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ). Everyone using, or planning to use eye tracking in their research is cordially welcome!
Date, time: 26th March 2019, 17:30
Place: ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL D 53
17:30 – 17:35
17:35 – 18:15
“Recent Advances Towards Pervasive Eye Tracking”
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bulling, Professor for Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Systems
University of Stuttgart, Germany
18:15 – 18:35
“Gaze-Guided Narratives”
Tiffany C.K. Kwok, Doctoral Student
Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zurich
18:35 – 18:55
“Eye tracking in VR and AR displays: A mini-workshop”
Dr. Arzu Çöltekin, Assoc. Prof., Principal Investigator
Institute for Interactive Technologies IIT, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
18:55 – 19:00
Apéro, with demo of a gaze-adaptive interactive map by Fabian Göbel, Geoinformation Engineering
A quick reminder for the “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” event that is going to be a track at the “2019 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications” (ETRA).
Feel free to also forward the Call for Papers to any interested colleagues.
We look forward to seeing you again!
We’re glad to announce the 4th edition of the “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” (ET4S) event which will take place June 25-28, 2019 in Denver, Colorado, USA.
After three successful ET4S workshops in Scarborough (2013), Vienna (2014) and Zurich (2018), the 4th edition of ET4S will be organized as a conference track at the “ACM 2019 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications in Denver” (ETRA)
ET4S aims to bring together researchers from different areas who have a common interest in using eye tracking for research questions related to spatial information and spatial decision making.
The Call for Papers is now available (Paper abstracts due: December 14, 2018).
We have presented the LAMETTA project at the GeoSummit in Bern (6-7 June 2018), the largest congress for geoinformatics, surveying and planning in Switzerland.
Federal councilor Guy Parmelin was one of the first visitors of our exhibit and was very interested in the innovative system. Due to his subsequent opening speech, there was no time to try out the gaze-based tourist guide to Lake Lucerne himself, but the short visit seemed already impressive.
A large number of visitors from both, industry and academia, visited our exhibit and tried out the system. In addition, our exhibit was part of the GeoSchoolDay – an event in conjunction with GeoSummit which introduces students at high school age to applications and opportunities of geo information technologies. Approx. 500 pupils visited LAMETTA and learned about eye tracking and its application in interactive systems.
The LAMETTA project has been demoed at this year’s “Treffpunkt Science City” event, an educational program of ETH Zurich for the general public where more than 3,000 visitors came.
Our panorama wall installation and the LAMETTA software allowed our visitors to experience as if they were exploring the view from a vantage point. Just by looking at the interested area (such as lakes, mountains and villages), our system can provide related information to the user.