• eyetracking@ethz.ch
  • +41 44 633 71 59

Category Archives: AR/VR/MR

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AR in Aviation: Publication in IJHCI

On the day before Christmas we were informed that out paper “Context-Sensitive Augmented Reality Assistance in the Cockpit” is published.

This paper looks at how an AR assistance can support pilots in emergency situations, and compares the findings to an existing baseline.

It is available open access at https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2024.2440976.

This paper is co-authored by Luis Lutnyk (former doctoral student at the geoGAZElab, currently with Pilatus Aircraft), Kevin Kim (FHNW), Ruth Häusler (ZHAW), and Martin Raubal, Peter Kiefer, and Adrian Sarbach (geoGAZElab).

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New Publication at COSIT 2024: Exploring Perceived Feasibility and Use Cases of 3D Sketch Mapping

Can you sketch in 3D?

Within the 3D Sketch Maps project, our former colleague, Prof. Kevin Gonyop Kim, and the geoGAZElab team investigated the perceived feasibility of 3D sketching in VR with a particular focus on the sketch mapping purpose. We interviewed 27 people from 3 domains and discovered that 3D sketching can help represent 3D information more effectively and complement the 2D approach. The paper was presented at the COSIT 2024 conference in September in Quebec City, Canada, by Prof. Martin Raubal and received attention and various questions. The full paper can be found here: https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.COSIT.2024.3.

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Full paper published at SUI 2024

In our recent paper “3D Flight Planning Using Extended Reality”, we introduce an innovative XR-based application that enables pilots to plan flights in 3D. We also explore how flight planning in such environment compares to 2D in terms of user experience, and the usability of different flight planning methods in this immersive setting.

The paper was presented at the ACM SUI 2024 conference in October in Trier, Germany. The full paper can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1145/3677386.3682088.

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New publication in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

The 3D Sketch Maps project team recently published a paper entitled:  VResin: Externalizing spatial memory into 3D sketch map. In this paper, we refined the concept of 3D sketch maps, proposed a technological framework using 3D Cartesian coordinate axes, and provided design criteria for 3D sketch mapping interfaces. We implemented a VR-based 3D sketch mapping tool called VResin, which is associated with traditional resin painting, and a layer-by-layer sketching interface that considers both researcher and user needs. We then conducted a comparative user study with 48 participants between mid-air sketching and layer-by-layer sketching interfaces for memorising multi-layered buildings. We found that VResin helps users to create less distorted sketches while maintaining the level of completeness and generalisation compared to mid-air sketching in VR. Finally, we presented application scenarios demonstrating how 3D sketch maps can support people’s externalisation of their 3D spatial understanding. This study is part of a Sinergia project called “3D Sketch Maps”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) [grant number 202284].

The interface design of VResin

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D-CEET project launched

We are excited to announce the start of D-CEET, a new project with Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) in the scope of the mFund innovation initiative.

Today, training for airline crew members takes place almost exclusively in elaborately reproduced cabin dummies and simulators, so-called CEETs (Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainers). The aim of the D-CEET project is to fully replicate an Airbus A320 CEET as a “digital twin”. The resulting data model is intended to enable fully immersive training of all relevant training content in virtual reality (VR) and additionally as a tablet-based application.

In our sub-project, we will validate the effectiveness of the new training concept using eye tracking and other physiological sensors in systematic studies with crew members. We aim at validating the achievement of competence objectives by measuring and observing behavior as well as by measuring situational awareness and cognitive workload.

Read more about the D-CEET project in a recent press release by LAT, on our website, or on the BMDV website (German only).

Image: Lufthansa Aviation Training GmbH

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Shupeng Wang joins the team

We cordially welcome Shupeng Wang, who has started as a doctoral student in the geoGAZElab. Shupeng holds a Master’s degree in Geomatics from ETH Zürich and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography with an emphasis on Geographic Information Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. He will be part of the D-CEET project, focusing on the evaluation of new training concepts for airline crew members in a Digital Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer.

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3D Sketch Map research meeting in Münster

The 3D Sketch Map project team had a very productive research meeting in Münster, thanks to Prof. Jakub Krukar for the perfect organization in this wonderful city! In this project, we investigate 3D sketch maps from a theoretical, empirical, cognitive, as well as tool-​related perspective, with a particular focus on Extended Reality (XR) technologies. Sketch mapping is an established research method in fields that study human spatial decision-making and information processing, such as navigation and wayfinding. Although space is naturally three-dimensional (3D), contemporary research has focused on assessing individuals’ spatial knowledge with two-​dimensional (2D) sketches. For many domains though, such as aviation or the cognition of complex multilevel buildings, it is essential to study people’s 3D understanding of space, which is not possible with the current 2D methods. In the research meeting, we exchanged our latest research outputs and future plans.

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We have joined the Design++ initiative. We’re looking forward to an interesting and fruitful interdisciplinary exchange with other members of Design++.

We’ll be using the Design++ infrastructure in the scope of the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU. Controlled eye tracking experiments will be performed in the immersive Audiovisual Room of the Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab.


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Open position: Stress Detection from Physiological Sensors in Crisis Management

We have an open position (Postdoc/Senior Researcher/Research Engineer) at the Singapore-ETH Centre, based in Singapore.

In collaboration with a Singapore agency, we will study stress and stressors during crisis response in a virtual reality (VR) training environment. The project is part of the research programme “Future Resilient Systems“.

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Participation in COSIT 2022

We are excited to be part of the 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2022) that is taking place on September 5-9, 2022, in Kobe, Japan.

Two of our lab members, Kevin Kim and Adrian Sarbach, will attend the conference (in person!) and present our latest work. We are looking forward to meeting other researchers and discussing exciting research!

More information: http://cosit2022.iniad.org


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PostDoc position in 3D Sketch Maps

In addition to the open PhD position, which has been announced here earlier, we’re also offering an open PostDoc position in the 3D Sketch Maps project.

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New project and open position: 3D Sketch Maps

We’re very much looking forward to the start of the 3D Sketch Maps project, for which we have now announced an open PhD position: Interaction with 3D Sketch Maps in Extended Reality.

The 3D Sketch Maps project, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation in the scope of the Sinergia funding program, investigates 3D sketch maps from a theoretical, empirical, cognitive, as well as tool-​related perspective, with a particular focus on Extended Reality (XR) technologies. Sketch mapping is an established research method in fields that study human spatial decision-​making and information processing, such as navigation and wayfinding. Although space is naturally three-​dimensional (3D), contemporary research has focused on assessing individuals’ spatial knowledge with two-​dimensional (2D) sketches. For many domains though, such as aviation or the cognition of complex multilevel buildings, it is essential to study people’s 3D understanding of space, which is not possible with the current 2D methods. Eye tracking will be used for the analysis of people’s eye movements while using the sketch mapping tools.

The 4-​year project will be carried out jointly by the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, the Chair of Cognitive Science at ETH Zurich (Prof. Dr. Christoph Hölscher), and the Spatial Intelligence Lab at University of Münster (Prof. Dr. Angela Schwering).

Interested? Please check out the open PhD position on the ETH job board!

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Workshop Paper accepted at CHI 2020

Our workshop contribution “Gaze-Aware Mixed-Reality: Addressing Privacy Issues with Eye Tracking” has been accepted at the “Workshop on Exploring Potentially Abusive Ethical, Social and Political Implications of Mixed Reality in HCI” at ACM CHI 2020:

Fabian Göbel, Kuno Kurzhals Martin Raubal and Victor R. Schinazi (2020). Gaze-Aware Mixed-Reality: Addressing Privacy Issues with Eye Tracking.
In CHI 2020 Workshop on Exploring Potentially Abusive Ethical, Social and Political Implications of Mixed Reality in HCI (CHI 2020), ACM.

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Invited Talk by Sophie Stellmach on Mixed Reality on 10.10.2019

We are glad to announce an invited talk by Sophie Stellmach on Eye Tracking and Mixed Reality as part of the VERA Geomatics Seminar.

Dr. Sophie Stellmach is a Senior Scientist at Microsoft where she explores entirely new ways to engage with and blend our virtual and physical realities in products such as Microsoft HoloLens. Being an avid eye tracking researcher for over a decade, she was heavily involved in the development of gaze-based interaction with HoloLens 2.

The talk will take place as part of the VERA Geomatics Seminar on Thursday, 10th October 2019, 5:00 p.m. at ETH Hönggerberg, HIL D 53.
Title: Multimodal Gaze-supported Input in Mixed Reality and its Promises for Spatial Research

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Visit by the Vice President for Research and Corporate Relations

On 11 September, Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, the Vice President for Research and Corporate Relations of ETH Zurich, has visited the D-BAUG department and informed himself about the exciting research activities of the different institutes.

Our institute was represented by Peter Kiefer, who summarized the research of the GeoGazeLab. The slides provide an overview on our research interests and current projects.

Edit. The presentation includes the PEGGASUS project. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 821461

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ETAVI – 2nd Call for Papers

A quick reminder for the “1st International Workshop on Eye-Tracking in Aviation (ETAVI)” that is going to take place March 2019 in Toulouse, France.

The submission deadlines are:

  • Abstracts: 9th September 2019
  • Paper: 30th September 2019

Feel free to also forward the Call for Papers to any interested colleagues.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Edit. Some of the organizers from ETH are part of the PEGGASUS project. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 821461

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Gaze-based interactions in the cockpit of the future: a survey

An article titled “Gaze-based interactions in the cockpit of the future: a survey” will appear in one of the next issues of the Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. It is now available online:

Abstract Flying an aircraft is a mentally demanding task where pilots must process a vast amount of visual, auditory and vestibular information. They have to control the aircraft by pulling, pushing and turning different knobs and levers, while knowing that mistakes in doing so can have fatal outcomes. Therefore, attempts to improve and optimize these interactions should not increase pilots’ mental workload. By utilizing pilots’ visual attention, gaze-based interactions provide an unobtrusive solution to this. This research is the first to actively involve pilots in the exploration of gaze-based interactions in the cockpit. By distributing a survey among 20 active commercial aviation pilots working for an internationally operating airline, the paper investigates pilots’ perception and needs concerning gaze-based interactions. The results build the foundation for future research, because they not only reflect pilots’ attitudes towards this novel technology, but also provide an overview of situations in which pilots need gaze-based interactions.

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1st International Workshop on Eye Tracking in Aviation: Call for Papers

We’re glad to announce the 1st International Workshop on Eye Tracking in Aviation (ETAVI), which will take place March 17, 2020 in Toulouse, France.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who have a common interest in using eye tracking in the aviation domain including, but not limited to the cockpit and air traffic control / management.

The keynote will be given by Leonardo Di Stasi an assistant professor at the University of Granada (Spain) with an extensive research background in the field of Aviation and Eye Tracking.

The Call for Papers is now available (Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2019; Abstract submission deadline: September 9, 2019).

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ET4S and ETRA 2019: Impressions

Our group has organized the “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” event as a track at this year’s ETRA conference in Denver, Colorado. It featured four full paper presentations, one short paper presentation, as well as an invited talk (see program). A dominant topic at this year’s ET4S was augmented/mixed/virtual reality. As a particular highlight, our invited speaker Sophie Stellmach (Senior Scientist at Microsoft) highlighted the fascinating opportunities of HoloLens 2, an upcoming mixed reality device that will have eye tracking capabilities included.

The GeoGazeLab was further involved with Fabian’s talk on “POI-Track: Improving Map-Based Planning with Implicit POI Tracking” and Kuno presenting his work on “Space-Time Volume Visualization of Gaze and Stimulus” in the ETRA main program. A paper co-authored by Martin was presented by one of his co-authors (“Eye Tracking Support for Visual Analytics Systems: Foundations, Current Applications, and Research Challenges”).


The invited talk by Sophie Stellmach (Microsoft) …


… attracted quite some audience.


Testing HoloLens 2 after ET4S.

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ET4S 2019: Program and Invited Talk

The program of ET4S 2019, a track at ETRA, is now available on the website: http://et4s.ethz.ch/program/.

We’re excited to announce Sophie Stellmach (Senior Scientist @ Microsoft, HoloLens team) as this year’s invited speaker at ET4S. The title of her talk is “Eye Tracking in Mixed Reality and its Promises for Spatial Research”.

ET4S 2019 is going to take place 26 June 2019, 15:30 – 18:00, at the ETRA conference in Denver, Colorado, USA. Attendance of ET4S is included in the ETRA registration.

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ETIZ Meeting March 2019 – Impressions

More than 30 participants attended the meeting of the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ) hosted by us on 26 March 2019. Our invited speaker Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart) provided insights into his current and past research on pervasive eye tracking. Tiffany Kwok (GeoGazeLab, LAMETTA project) presented her PhD research on gaze-guided narratives. In an interactive mini-workshop, moderated by Arzu Çöltekin (FHNW), attendees brainstormed about challenges of eye tracking in VR and AR displays. Discussions were continued during an apéro, and many took the opportunity to try out a gaze-adaptive map demo (Fabian Göbel, GeoGazeLab, IGAMaps project).

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Full paper accepted at SUI 2016

David Rudi, Ioannis Giannopoulos, Peter Kiefer, Christian Peier, Martin Raubal (2016) Interacting with Maps on Optical Head-Mounted Displays. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI 2016). ACM, 2016