After a hiatus of five years, we were happy to co-organize the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ) revival meet-up. Together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Hölscher (Chair of Cognitive Sciences, ETH Zurich), and Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt (Product Development Group, ETH Zurich), the meet-up took place on Tuesday 19 March.
Besides two presentations, one by Prof. Meboldt and one held by our group (Eyes4ICU,, we discussed on the future directions of ETIZ, tried new hardware, and had time to socialize at an apéro.
All in all, over 20 academics from three different universities joined the evening. We look forward to a follow-up event soon.

Yiwei Wang presenting his research at the ETIZ meetup, where he showcased his part of the Eyes4ICU project.