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Category Archives: FRS Singapore

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Video of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore

A recent video of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore has showcased the research of the geoGAZElab as part of the research programmes at the Singapore-ETH Centre, a joint initiative between ETH Zurich and the National Research Foundation of Singapore.

The video demonstrates how eye-tracking technology can be used to analyze human behaviour and optimize decision-making processes. It also highlights the collaboration between researchers from Switzerland and Singapore, emphasizing the importance of international partnerships in advancing scientific research.

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Estimating Perceived Mental Workload From Eye-Tracking Data Based on Benign Anisocoria published in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

We have developed two novel eye-tracking metrics to estimate perceived cognitive load based on benign anisocoria (difference between left and right pupil diameter). Our metrics outperform traditional pupil-based methods, providing a more accurate and reliable way to measure mental workload. Check out the early access here in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

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New publication in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science

In our recently published study in Taylor & Francis Online, we investigated the influence of uncertainty visualization on cognitive load in safety-critical and time-critical decision-making tasks. This research tackles the ever-present challenge faced by professionals in various fields – making critical choices under pressure, often with inherent spatial uncertainties. We focused on identifying the most effective visualization techniques to support these decision-makers. Our study specifically examined the effectiveness of different uncertainty visualization techniques in traffic management tasks through eye tracking. Furthermore, through gaze transition entropy, we explore the differences between different strategies employed by the decision-makers. This research opens doors for further exploration in visualization design for decision support systems.

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Johanna Wörle joins the team

We’re happy to welcome Johanna Wörle, who has started as a postdoctoral researcher at the Singapore ETH Centre. In the scope of the Future Resilient Systems 2 research program, her research will focus on the effects of stress on human performance. Johanna holds a PhD in psychology from Ulm University, Germany.

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Swiss Council visit to Singapore-ETH Centre

swiss council visit
On the 4th of August, the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) had the privilege of hosting the Swiss federal council member Mr. Ignazio Cassis, along with Ambassador Heinrich Schellenberg and Ambassador Frank Grütter of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore. The day was filled with insightful discussions between the visiting dignitaries and SEC’s leadership, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in advancing scientific and technological research.

A doctoral student from the geoGAZElab, Suvodip Chakraborty, demonstrated “Improving Resilience in Control Rooms Through Eye Tracking”, a technology that promises to revolutionize control room operations. By employing eye-tracking technology, geoGAZElab work aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of control room operators, thereby bolstering overall system resilience. This research holds the potential to reshape control room dynamics and contribute significantly to the broader fields of human-computer interaction and cognitive science.

The demonstration garnered considerable interest from the visiting Swiss delegation and SEC’s academic community. Mr. Ignazio Cassis, expressed his keen interest in the innovative research being conducted at the SEC. The Swiss delegation’s presence underscored the significance of this scientific exchange and hinted at the strong ties between Switzerland and Singapore in academic research.

In addition to Chakraborty’s demonstration, the visit included an exhibition tour showcasing other SEC’s research endeavours. The showcased projects spanned a spectrum of disciplines, from sustainable urban planning to future food supply.

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Open position: Stress Detection from Physiological Sensors in Crisis Management

We have an open position (Postdoc/Senior Researcher/Research Engineer) at the Singapore-ETH Centre, based in Singapore.

In collaboration with a Singapore agency, we will study stress and stressors during crisis response in a virtual reality (VR) training environment. The project is part of the research programme “Future Resilient Systems“.

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New abstract in Resilience 2023- Using eye tracking for enhancing resilience in control rooms

We are pleased to announce that our abstract titled “Using eye tracking for enhancing resilience in control rooms” has been accepted for presentation at the Resilience 2023 conference.

In this abstract, we highlight three principle ways how eye tracking can support decision makers in control rooms: 1) Evaluation of information visualization for decision support systems, 2) unobtrusive assessment of decision-makers’ cognitive state, and 3) supporting distributed cognition through information sharing using eye-gaze.

In our talk, we’ll be presenting our current research progress in each of these directions. We look forward to seeing you at the Resilience 2023 conference in Mexico.

This project has received funding from the Future Resilience Systems program at the Singapore-ETH Center.

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Control Room Decision-Making Lab at Singapore-ETH Centre

We are happy to announce the starting of our new Control Room Decision-Making Lab at the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) for our project on Communicating Predicted Disruptions in Future Resilient Systems (FRS 2). The lab is equipped with sensors for measuring decision makers’ psycho-physiological state, including remote and head-mounted eye trackers, galvanic skin response sensors, and accelerometers. The new lab infrastructure will be used to study how different communication techniques can be used in control rooms to support decision-makers. This research will improve the next generation of control rooms, thus enhancing the resilience of the monitored infrastructure in case of disruptions

We want to thank all our collaborators and the SEC management for their help setting up the laboratory.

Control Room Decision-Making Lab

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Workshop Paper presented at the INTERACT 2021

Our paper “Improving resilience by communicating predicted disruptions in control rooms” has been presented at the INTERACT 2021 Workshop on Control Rooms in Safety Critical Contexts (CRiSCC): Design, Engineering and Evaluation Issues. The full-day workshop was held in a hybrid manner at Bari, Italy, with 13 interdisciplinary researchers. The vision paper outlines some of the ideas and challenges which we are addressing in the FRS 2 project on “Optimizing strategies for communicating predicted disruptions to stakeholders”:

Chakraborty, S., Kiefer, P., & Raubal, M. (2021). Improving resilience by communicating predicted disruptions in control rooms, INTERACT 2021.

Abstract: Even though the importance of resilience for control rooms is generally acknowledged, cognitive resilience is often not taken into account properly during control room design. This vision paper aims at improving the cognitive resilience in control rooms through advancements in three key research areas: 1) automated detection of upcoming disruptions, 2) visualization of spatio-temporal uncertainty, 3) cognition-aware interaction design.

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Suvodip Chakraborty starting in January

After a Corona-caused delay in the hiring process, we’re excited to announce that Suvodip Chakraborty will start as a PhD student in our Singapore-based project on Communicating Predicted Disruptions in the scope of the Future Resilient Systems 2 research program. Suvodip will start in January 2021.

Suvodip holds a Master of Science from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. His Master thesis was titled “Design of Electro-oculography based wearable systems for eye movement analysis”.

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GeoGazeLab involved in Future Resilient Systems II programme

The second phase of the FRS programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre officially started on April 1st with an online research kick-off meeting. It was launched in the midst of a global crisis – COVID-​19, highlighting the need to better understand and foster resilience. Within FRS-II there is a particular emphasis on social resilience to enhance the understanding of how socio-​technical systems perform before, during and after disruptions.

GeoGazeLab researchers will contribute within a research cluster focusing on distributed cognition (led by Martin Raubal). More specifically, we will develop a visualization, interaction, and notification framework for communicating predicted disruptions to stakeholders. Empirical studies utilizing eye tracking and gaze-based interaction methods will be part of this project, which is led by Martin Raubal and Peter Kiefer.

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Open PhD position in Singapore

As part of our involvement in the upcoming Future Resilient Systems II research programme, we are looking for a PhD candidate working on the development of a visualization, interaction and notification framework for communicating disruptions predicted from weak signals.

Employment will be at the Singapore-ETH Centre, workplace Singapore.

More details and application here.