• eyetracking@ethz.ch
  • +41 44 633 71 59

Eyes4ICU – DC 6

Gaze-supported Trip Recommendation

This project is part of the MSCA Doctoral network “Eyes for Interaction, Communication, and Understanding  (Eyes4ICU)”, in which we participate as an Associated Partner.

Eyes for Interaction, Communication, and Understanding

Gaze is an important communication channel to be captured remotely which works even without language. It thus holds great potential for universal inclusive technologies. Eyes for information, communication, and understanding (Eyes4ICU) explores novel forms of gaze interaction that rely on current psychological theories and findings, computational modeling, as well as expertise in highly promising application domains. Its approach of developing inclusive technology by tracing gaze interaction back to its cognitive and affective foundations (a psychological challenge) results in better models to predict user behavior (a computational challenge). By integrating insights in application fields, gaze-based interaction can be employed in the wild. Accordingly, the proposed research is divided into three work packages, namely Understanding Users (WP1), Gaze Communication (WP2), and In The Wild (WP3). All three work packages are pursued from three different perspectives: a psychological empirical perspective, a computational modeling perspective, and an application perspective, ensuring a unified and aligned progress and concept. Along these lines, training is also divided into three packages of Empirical Research Methods (WP4), Computational Modeling (WP5), and Transferable Skills (WP6). Consequently, the consortium is composed of groups working in psychological, computing, and application fields. All Beneficiaries are experts in using eye tracking in their respective areas ensuring best practices and optimal facilities for research and training. A variety of Associated Partners from the whole chain of eye tracking services ensures for applicability, practical relevance, and career opportunities by contributing to supervision, training, and research. This will advance communication by eye tracking as a field and result in European standards for gaze-based communication in a variety of domains disseminated through research and application.

Objectives: Doctoral Candidate (DC) 6

To generate trip recommendations for gaze-guided tours based on the experiences of multiple users. These recommendations will provide users with information on which places to visit and objects of interest. To record and annotate trip experience for specific places and objects of interest based on gaze, video, location, and physiological signatures (e.g., heart rate) in Virtual Reality (VR). To train and validate a real time classifier for trip experiences that is capable of stream processing the data during recording. To develop a recommender system that is able to suggest individual trips based on collective experiences. Such a system is capable of considering the user’s changing state and adapt the recommendations in real time. To evaluate the user experience of the recommender system with a user study.



Chair of Geoinformation Engineering

  • Dr. Peter Kiefer (Principal Investigator)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (PhD student Supervisor)
  • Lin Che (PhD student)



Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies

Esri Germany / Switzerland

  • Daniela Wingert / Stefan Graf



  • Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)



  • Start Date: 01.09.2022, effective start: 01.04.2023
  • End Date: 31.08.2026

