• eyetracking@ethz.ch
  • +41 44 633 71 59


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Full Paper accepted at MobileHCI 2015

Ioannis Giannopoulos, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal (2015). GazeNav: Gaze-Based Pedestrian Navigation.  In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

GazeNav Talk

Leading Mobile HCI researchers from all over the world meet in Copenhagen to present innovative research and gadgets. Our research group is present with 4 contributions. Read More


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Full paper accepted at COSIT 2015

Kiefer, P., Scheider, S., Giannopoulos, I., and Weiser, P. (2015). A wayfinding grammar based on reference system transformations. In S.I. Fabrikant, M. Raubal, M. Bertolotto, C. Davies, S. Freundschuh, and S. Bell (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2015), volume 9368 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 447-467. Springer International Publishing

[Download as PDF]

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Department Annual Report 2014

A summary of our research on “Gaze-Based Geographic Human Computer Interaction” (PDF) is included as a research highlight in the annual report 2014 of our department (D-BAUG, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering).


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Winter School 2016

We are co-organizing an ETH Winter School on “Eye Tracking – Experimental Design, Implementation, and Analysis” which is going to take place in Monte Verità (Ticino), Switzerland, from 17 to 22 January 2016.

The Winter School targets at PhD students and early PostDocs (coming from any research field) who are using, or planning to use, eye tracking in their research. Internationally recognized experts will provide lectures and hands-on sessions on eye tracking methodology, experimental design, and analysis.


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We are co-organizing a workshop at the UbiComp conference: the workshop on “Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction“ (PETMEI 2015). The workshop is concerned with eye tracking and gaze-based interaction in mobile and everyday (“ubiquitous”) situations, such as in pedestrian navigation.

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Master theses started

Two students have started their Master theses in the GeoGazeLab:

Aikaterini Tsampazi, a Master student in Geomatics, will use eye tracking to measure the visual behavior of wayfinders in a virtual environment in her Master thesis titled “Pedestrian Navigation: The use of navigation aids under time pressure in virtual urban environments”. The goal will be to investigate how pedestrian wayfinders behave under time pressure.

Yufan Miao, a Master student in Computational Science from Uppsala University, is visiting our group in spring and summer 2015. He will be working on his Master thesis on “Landmark detection for mobile eye tracking”, co-supervised by our group and the Chair of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Prof. Schindler). The goal is to apply image processing techniques to outdoor eye tracking videos for the automatic computation of the object of regard.

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Martin Sudmanns joins the team

Martin Sudmanns, a Master student of Geoinformatics at Salzburg University, joins our team for a 3-months internship, starting in March 2015.

Welcome Martin!

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Book chapter on gaze-based interaction for GIS (German)

Kiefer, P. (2015). Blickbasierte Mensch-Computer-Interaktion mit Geoinformationssystemen. In Thomas H. Kolbe, Ralf Bill, and Andreas Donaubauer, editors, Geoinformationssysteme 2015. Wichmann, Heidelberg.


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Paper accepted at CHI Workshop 2015

Ioannis Giannopoulos, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal. Watch What I Am Looking At! Eye Gaze and Head-Mounted Displays. In Mobile Collocated Interactions: From Smartphones to Wearables, Workshop at CHI 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015.




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Project with an internationally operating airline

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation will fund our project on “Enhanced flight training programs for monitoring aircraft automation” (January 2015 – June 2017).

We will conduct eye tracking studies with professional pilots in flight simulators to analyze the effectiveness of visual scan strategies during aircraft operation. The ultimate goal is to include the obtained insights into pilot training programs. Read more about our research on aviation.

The project is a cooperation with an internationally operating airline. Further collaborators are the NASA Ames Research Center and Prof. Dr. Robert Mauro (University of Oregon, USA).

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Special Issue: Call for Submissions

We are planning a Special Issue on “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” in Spatial Cognition and Computation: Call for Submissions (PDF).

Submission Deadline is May 27, 2015.


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ETH Zurich Research Grant

Great news right before the holiday season!

ETH Zurich will support our research on “Location-Aware Mobile Eye Tracking for Tourist Assistance” (LAMETTA) with an ETH Zurich Research Grant for a 3-year project, starting in 2015 (PI: Peter Kiefer).

The project will pioneer gaze-based interaction techniques for tourists in outdoor environments. The project envisions mobile assistance systems that trigger information services based on the user’s gaze on touristic areas of interest. For instance, a gaze-based recommender system could notify the observer of a city panorama about buildings that match her interest, given the objects she has looked at before. The main objective of this project consists in the investigation of novel gaze-based interaction methods for tourists exploring a city panorama.

Stay tuned for updates on LAMETTA!


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BSc/MSc topics for spring 2015

We offer topics for student theses on Bachelor and Master level:

[Please refer to the latest posting on topics.]

You may also propose your own topic related to eye tracking, wayfinding, or gaze-based interaction. Contact us for more information!

The full lists of all topics (including non-eye tracking topics) can be found on the main page of the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering.