Kevin Gonyop Kim joined the geoGAZElab in February 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher. He received his doctoral degree in computer science from EPFL and his thesis was on the design of novel digital experiences in the field of education. He was working on the 3D sketch maps project where he was investigating the use of 3D sketch maps in the process of understanding and representing 3D spaces, with a particular focus on extended reality (XR) technologies. His research interests include human-computer interaction, extended reality, eye tracking, and user experience.
Tiffany Kwok was a postdoctoral researcher the geoGAZElab. She was with us from February 2018, joining as a doctoral student, and left us in July 2023, joining Lufthansa Systems FlightNav AG as a full-stack web developer. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and completed her doctorate at our chair in 2022. Her research focused on “Human-Computer Interaction”, “Unobtrusive Interaction”, “Eye-Tracking”, and “Cognitive States”. Specifically, she explored the use of gaze-based assistance systems to facilitate unobtrusive interaction in real outdoor environments and projected indoor environments.
Luis Lutnyk joined the geoGAZElab as a doctoral student in 2019, and left us after successfully defending his thesis in June 2023. His research focused on human-computer interaction, especially in Aviation. In the PEGGASUS project he explored the use of Eye Tracking in the cockpit, and how novel interactions can help pilots and improve pilot training. He holds a university degree in electrical engineering and worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits before joining ETH Zürich.
Fabian Göbel was a doctoral student at the geoGAZElab between February 2016 and May 2021. His research is focused on using Eye Tracking to support the work with interactive cartographic maps with intelligent and implicit Interface Adaptions. He holds a Diploma degree in Media Computer Science from Dresden University of Technology, Germany. In April 2021, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at ETH Zürich titled “Visual Attentive User Interfaces for Feature-Rich Environments”.
Kuno Kurzhals was a postdoctoral researcher in the geoGAZElab between April 2019 and March 2021. He received the Diploma degree in computer science from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 2012. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in December 2018 at the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart. His research interests include eye tracking, visualization, visual analytics, and computer vision. The main research topic during his Ph.D. was on visual analytics of eye tracking and video data.
David Rudi was a postdoctoral researcher who joined the geoGAZElab in Juli 2014. He finished his Master degree in Computer Science at the University of Saarland (Saarbrücken) in 2010 and his doctorate at our chair in 2019. His research interests lie in the field of “Situation Awareness”, “Aviation” and “Training”. In his research he investigates the role of Situation Awareness (in particular concerning the aspect of Spatial Awareness) of pilots in the cockpit.
Victor R. Schinazi was a Senior Research Associate at the GeoGazeLab and is co-PI in the Singapore ETH Center for Future Health Technology. Prior to joining the lab, Victor was an Oberassistent (Senior Lecturer) at the Chair of Cognitive Science, ETH Zürich. Victor received his doctoral degree from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (University College London) and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience (University of Pennsylvania). His research combines real world and laboratory experiments to investigate various topics in spatial cognition, navigation, environmental health an ageing. In March 2020, Victor joined the faculty of Psychology at Bond University in Australia.
Ioannis Giannopoulos was a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer working on mobile eye tracking and HCI. His research interest focuses on wayfinding, assistance systems, decision making as well as on spatial cognition. In December 2015, he successfully defended his dissertation work at ETH, with the title “Supporting Wayfinding Through Mobile Gaze-Based Interaction”. Before that, he received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from Saarland University in 2011, conducting his thesis at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken.
Vasileios Athanasios Anagnostopoulos was a doctorate student who joined the GeoGazeLab in September 2015. He obtained his diploma from the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens in 2013 and completed a M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Piraeus in 2015.
Jördis Graf was a research assistant for mobile eye tracking until February 2015. She received her M.Sc. in cognitive and neural science psychology in 2014 at the University of Zurich (UZH) and focuses on the psychological aspects of wayfinding.