Presentation & Publication on Aeronautical Charts at AGILE 2023
It was a great pleasure to attend this year’s AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science in Delft (The Netherlands), where Adrian Sarbach presented the results of our research on visualisation and perception of airspace structures on aeronautical charts.
Our paper contains a theoretical cartographic analysis on aeronautical charts used for flights following visual flight rules, and the results of a user study, which confirmed the findings from the theoretical analysis.
This project was conducted together with Thierry Weber, Katharina Henggeler, Luis Lutnyk, and Martin Raubal.
If you are interested in reading the full open access paper, titled “Evaluating and Comparing Airspace Structure Visualisation and Perception on Digital Aeronautical Charts“, you can find it here: .

Adrian Sarbach presenting his work on aeronautical charts at AGILE 2023