• eyetracking@ethz.ch
  • +41 44 633 71 59


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Publication on Weather Visualisations for Commercial Pilots

Many years ago, we published a paper at UIST on 3D weather visualizations for pilots. (See Stähli et al. Turbulence Ahead – A 3D Web-Based Aviation Weather Visualizer. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1145/3242587.3242624.)

We built upon this research and, in a study with 24 commercial pilots, compared more variations of aviation weather information visualizations. The results are now published in Ergonomics with the title “2D versus 3D aviation weather visualisations”.

You can find the full paper, open access, at https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2024.2445317.

This paper is co-authored by Tiffany C.K. Kwok (former doctoral student and post-doc at the geoGAZElab, currently with Lufthansa Systems), Martin Raubal, Peter Kiefer, and Adrian Sarbach (all geoGAZElab).

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AR in Aviation: Publication in IJHCI

On the day before Christmas we were informed that out paper “Context-Sensitive Augmented Reality Assistance in the Cockpit” is published.

This paper looks at how an AR assistance can support pilots in emergency situations, and compares the findings to an existing baseline.

It is available open access at https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2024.2440976.

This paper is co-authored by Luis Lutnyk (former doctoral student at the geoGAZElab, currently with Pilatus Aircraft), Kevin Kim (FHNW), Ruth Häusler (ZHAW), and Martin Raubal, Peter Kiefer, and Adrian Sarbach (geoGAZElab).

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Video of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore

A recent video of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore has showcased the research of the geoGAZElab as part of the research programmes at the Singapore-ETH Centre, a joint initiative between ETH Zurich and the National Research Foundation of Singapore.

The video demonstrates how eye-tracking technology can be used to analyze human behaviour and optimize decision-making processes. It also highlights the collaboration between researchers from Switzerland and Singapore, emphasizing the importance of international partnerships in advancing scientific research.

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Article in Scientific Reports: Mind Wandering

Do you enjoy touristic audio guides? You don’t? One reason could be that classic audio guides do not adapt to your cognitive state in real time.

In our most recent article in Scientific Reports, we investigate the detection of mind wandering from eye movements for combined audio-visual stimuli, such as touristic audio guides. We trained and validated classifiers which are able to successfully detect mind wandering in a 1-s time window. Future audio guides could use our results for providing more intelligent assistance.

Kwok, T. C. K., Kiefer, P., Schinazi, V. R., Hoelscher, C., & Raubal, M. (2024). Gaze-based detection of mind wandering during audio-guided panorama viewing. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 27955. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-79172-x

We wish you a fully focused (= non-mind wandering) reading experience!

This research is part of Tiffany Kwok’s (see former group members) doctoral thesis and an outcome of the LAMETTA project, which has been funded through an ETH Zurich Research Grant.

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New Publication at COSIT 2024: Exploring Perceived Feasibility and Use Cases of 3D Sketch Mapping

Can you sketch in 3D?

Within the 3D Sketch Maps project, our former colleague, Prof. Kevin Gonyop Kim, and the geoGAZElab team investigated the perceived feasibility of 3D sketching in VR with a particular focus on the sketch mapping purpose. We interviewed 27 people from 3 domains and discovered that 3D sketching can help represent 3D information more effectively and complement the 2D approach. The paper was presented at the COSIT 2024 conference in September in Quebec City, Canada, by Prof. Martin Raubal and received attention and various questions. The full paper can be found here: https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.COSIT.2024.3.

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Full paper published at SUI 2024

In our recent paper “3D Flight Planning Using Extended Reality”, we introduce an innovative XR-based application that enables pilots to plan flights in 3D. We also explore how flight planning in such environment compares to 2D in terms of user experience, and the usability of different flight planning methods in this immersive setting.

The paper was presented at the ACM SUI 2024 conference in October in Trier, Germany. The full paper can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1145/3677386.3682088.

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Estimating Perceived Mental Workload From Eye-Tracking Data Based on Benign Anisocoria published in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

We have developed two novel eye-tracking metrics to estimate perceived cognitive load based on benign anisocoria (difference between left and right pupil diameter). Our metrics outperform traditional pupil-based methods, providing a more accurate and reliable way to measure mental workload. Check out the early access here in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

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ETRA 2025: Call for Papers

With Peter Kiefer serving as one of the Full Paper Chairs, we’re again involved in the organization of the next ETRA conference, taking place in Tokyo, Japan, 26-29 May 2025.

Please check out the Call for Papers!

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Secondment in University of Eastern Finland

Within the scope of Eyes4ICU project, I have accomplished my secondment at University of Eastern Finland, one of the participating institutes, in June. Thanks for the help from Prof. Roman Bednarik and his doctoral student Hue during my stay there!


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New publication in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

The 3D Sketch Maps project team recently published a paper entitled:  VResin: Externalizing spatial memory into 3D sketch map. In this paper, we refined the concept of 3D sketch maps, proposed a technological framework using 3D Cartesian coordinate axes, and provided design criteria for 3D sketch mapping interfaces. We implemented a VR-based 3D sketch mapping tool called VResin, which is associated with traditional resin painting, and a layer-by-layer sketching interface that considers both researcher and user needs. We then conducted a comparative user study with 48 participants between mid-air sketching and layer-by-layer sketching interfaces for memorising multi-layered buildings. We found that VResin helps users to create less distorted sketches while maintaining the level of completeness and generalisation compared to mid-air sketching in VR. Finally, we presented application scenarios demonstrating how 3D sketch maps can support people’s externalisation of their 3D spatial understanding. This study is part of a Sinergia project called “3D Sketch Maps”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) [grant number 202284].

The interface design of VResin

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D-CEET project launched

We are excited to announce the start of D-CEET, a new project with Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) in the scope of the mFund innovation initiative.

Today, training for airline crew members takes place almost exclusively in elaborately reproduced cabin dummies and simulators, so-called CEETs (Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainers). The aim of the D-CEET project is to fully replicate an Airbus A320 CEET as a “digital twin”. The resulting data model is intended to enable fully immersive training of all relevant training content in virtual reality (VR) and additionally as a tablet-based application.

In our sub-project, we will validate the effectiveness of the new training concept using eye tracking and other physiological sensors in systematic studies with crew members. We aim at validating the achievement of competence objectives by measuring and observing behavior as well as by measuring situational awareness and cognitive workload.

Read more about the D-CEET project in a recent press release by LAT, on our website, or on the BMDV website (German only).

Image: Lufthansa Aviation Training GmbH

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Shupeng Wang joins the team

We cordially welcome Shupeng Wang, who has started as a doctoral student in the geoGAZElab. Shupeng holds a Master’s degree in Geomatics from ETH Zürich and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography with an emphasis on Geographic Information Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. He will be part of the D-CEET project, focusing on the evaluation of new training concepts for airline crew members in a Digital Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer.

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ETRA 2024

With Peter acting as one of the Full Paper Chairs, we have once more contributed to a successful ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA 2024), which took place in Glasgow (U.K.) June 4-7. A total of 25 full papers were accepted, selected from 68 submissions after a rigorous reviewing process (37% acceptance rate).

The proceedings have been published as issues in PACM HCI and PACM CGIT.

Looking forward to ETRA 2025!

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New publication in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science

In our recently published study in Taylor & Francis Online, we investigated the influence of uncertainty visualization on cognitive load in safety-critical and time-critical decision-making tasks. This research tackles the ever-present challenge faced by professionals in various fields – making critical choices under pressure, often with inherent spatial uncertainties. We focused on identifying the most effective visualization techniques to support these decision-makers. Our study specifically examined the effectiveness of different uncertainty visualization techniques in traffic management tasks through eye tracking. Furthermore, through gaze transition entropy, we explore the differences between different strategies employed by the decision-makers. This research opens doors for further exploration in visualization design for decision support systems.

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3D Sketch Map research meeting in Münster

The 3D Sketch Map project team had a very productive research meeting in Münster, thanks to Prof. Jakub Krukar for the perfect organization in this wonderful city! In this project, we investigate 3D sketch maps from a theoretical, empirical, cognitive, as well as tool-​related perspective, with a particular focus on Extended Reality (XR) technologies. Sketch mapping is an established research method in fields that study human spatial decision-making and information processing, such as navigation and wayfinding. Although space is naturally three-dimensional (3D), contemporary research has focused on assessing individuals’ spatial knowledge with two-​dimensional (2D) sketches. For many domains though, such as aviation or the cognition of complex multilevel buildings, it is essential to study people’s 3D understanding of space, which is not possible with the current 2D methods. In the research meeting, we exchanged our latest research outputs and future plans.

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2nd Eyes4ICU Winter School

The second Winter School of the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU at SWPS in Warsaw has concluded. It has been an inspiring and invigorating week, filled with discussions on eye-tracking research, for Lin Che, Yiwei Wang, and Peter Kiefer.

The Winter School featured a diverse range of courses covering topics such as eye-tracking, computational modeling, and transferable skills. Additionally, doctoral candidates had Advisory Board Meetings with their supervisors, co-advisors, and associated partners from companies to discuss their research topics. All doctoral candidates delivered excellent poster presentations showcasing their research progress, and also successfully completed the eye-tracking “Marie Sklodowska Curie Steps” challenge task!

We extend our gratitude to the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI for financing our participation in the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU.



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ETIZ Revival Meet-Up

After a hiatus of five years, we were happy to co-organize the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ) revival meet-up. Together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Hölscher (Chair of Cognitive Sciences, ETH Zurich), and Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt (Product Development Group, ETH Zurich), the meet-up took place on Tuesday 19 March.

Besides two presentations, one by Prof. Meboldt and one held by our group (Eyes4ICU, https://www.eyes4icu.eu/), we discussed on the future directions of ETIZ, tried new hardware, and had time to socialize at an apéro.

All in all, over 20 academics from three different universities joined the evening. We look forward to a follow-up event soon.

Yiwei Wang presenting his research at the ETIZ meetup, where he showcased his part of the Eyes4ICU project.


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Sailin Zhong joins the team

It is our pleasure to welcome Sailin Zhong, who has started as a postdoctoral researcher in our lab. Sailin holds a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Her research in our group will focus on collaborative 3D sketch mapping, extending our ongoing work on novel 3D sketch mapping methods.

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Kevin Gonyop Kim: Professor at FHNW

Kevin has left us for his new position as Professor of Spatial Computing and 3D Technologies at the Institute of Interactive Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) in Windisch, Switzerland.

We thank him for the contributions he has made to the geoGAZElab during his PostDoc time, in particular in the scope of the 3D Sketch Maps project. All the best, and let’s stay in contact!

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We have joined the Design++ initiative. We’re looking forward to an interesting and fruitful interdisciplinary exchange with other members of Design++.

We’ll be using the Design++ infrastructure in the scope of the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU. Controlled eye tracking experiments will be performed in the immersive Audiovisual Room of the Large-scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab.


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Johanna Wörle joins the team

We’re happy to welcome Johanna Wörle, who has started as a postdoctoral researcher at the Singapore ETH Centre. In the scope of the Future Resilient Systems 2 research program, her research will focus on the effects of stress on human performance. Johanna holds a PhD in psychology from Ulm University, Germany.

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Eyes4ICU at LBS 2023

In the scope of the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU, our doctoral students Lin Che and Yiwei Wang are investigating novel ways of using eye tracking for the improvement of location-based services. They presented and discussed their research at the 18th Conference on Location Based Services in Ghent, Belgium, last week.

Congrats, Lin, for receiving the best short paper award!

Work-in-progress papers (DOI assignment pending):

  • Che, L., Raubal, M., and Kiefer, P. (2023) Towards Personalized Pedestrian Route Recommendation Based on Implicit Visual Preference. In: Huang, H., Van de Weghe, N., and Gartner, G. (editors), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Location Based Services, Ghent, Belgium (to appear) [PDF]
  • Wang, Y., Raubal, M., and Kiefer, P. (2023) Towards gaze-supported emotion-enhanced travel experience logging. In: Huang, H., Van de Weghe, N., and Gartner, G. (editors), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Location Based Services, Ghent, Belgium (to appear) [PDF]



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“Do You Need Instructions Again? Predicting Wayfinding Instruction Demand”

In collaboration with colleagues from TU Vienna, we have published a full paper in the proceedings of this year’s GIScience conference, taking place next week in Leeds, U.K.:

The demand for instructions during wayfinding can be considered as an important indicator of the internal cognitive processes during wayfinding. In the paper, we are predicting instruction demand in a real-world wayfinding experiment with 45 participants using different environmental, user, instructional, and gaze-related features. Being able to predict instruction demand can, for instance, be beneficial for navigation systems that adapt instructions in real-time, based on their users’ behavior.

Alinaghi, N., Kwok, T. C., Kiefer, P., & Giannopoulos, I. (2023). Do You Need Instructions Again? Predicting Wayfinding Instruction Demand. In 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.

Download PDF

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ETRA 2024: Call for Papers

Peter Kiefer will be serving as one of the Full Paper Chairs for the ETRA 2024 conference, taking place in Glasgow, U.K., 4-7 June 2024.

Please check out the Call for Papers!

The geoGAZElab has been part of the ETRA community for many years. We’re happy to continue contributing to this vibrant community, pushing forward excellent research in this exciting field.

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Swiss Council visit to Singapore-ETH Centre

swiss council visit
On the 4th of August, the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) had the privilege of hosting the Swiss federal council member Mr. Ignazio Cassis, along with Ambassador Heinrich Schellenberg and Ambassador Frank Grütter of the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore. The day was filled with insightful discussions between the visiting dignitaries and SEC’s leadership, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in advancing scientific and technological research.

A doctoral student from the geoGAZElab, Suvodip Chakraborty, demonstrated “Improving Resilience in Control Rooms Through Eye Tracking”, a technology that promises to revolutionize control room operations. By employing eye-tracking technology, geoGAZElab work aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of control room operators, thereby bolstering overall system resilience. This research holds the potential to reshape control room dynamics and contribute significantly to the broader fields of human-computer interaction and cognitive science.

The demonstration garnered considerable interest from the visiting Swiss delegation and SEC’s academic community. Mr. Ignazio Cassis, expressed his keen interest in the innovative research being conducted at the SEC. The Swiss delegation’s presence underscored the significance of this scientific exchange and hinted at the strong ties between Switzerland and Singapore in academic research.

In addition to Chakraborty’s demonstration, the visit included an exhibition tour showcasing other SEC’s research endeavours. The showcased projects spanned a spectrum of disciplines, from sustainable urban planning to future food supply.

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Presentation & Publication on Aeronautical Charts at AGILE 2023

It was a great pleasure to attend this year’s AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science in Delft (The Netherlands), where Adrian Sarbach presented the results of our research on visualisation and perception of airspace structures on aeronautical charts.

Our paper contains a theoretical cartographic analysis on aeronautical charts used for flights following visual flight rules, and the results of a user study, which confirmed the findings from the theoretical analysis.

This project was conducted together with Thierry Weber, Katharina Henggeler, Luis Lutnyk, and Martin Raubal.

If you are interested in reading the full open access paper, titled “Evaluating and Comparing Airspace Structure Visualisation and Perception on Digital Aeronautical Charts“, you can find it here: https://doi.org/10.5194/agile-giss-4-12-2023 .

Adrian Sarbach presenting his work on aeronautical charts at AGILE 2023

Adrian Sarbach presenting his work on aeronautical charts at AGILE 2023

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Open position: Stress Detection from Physiological Sensors in Crisis Management

We have an open position (Postdoc/Senior Researcher/Research Engineer) at the Singapore-ETH Centre, based in Singapore.

In collaboration with a Singapore agency, we will study stress and stressors during crisis response in a virtual reality (VR) training environment. The project is part of the research programme “Future Resilient Systems“.

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PhD graduation Luis Lutnyk

We’re glad to announce that our colleague Luis Lutnyk has successfully defended his dissertation on “Pilot Decision-Making Support through Intelligent Cockpit Technologies”. Congratulations, Luis!

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New abstract in Resilience 2023- Using eye tracking for enhancing resilience in control rooms

We are pleased to announce that our abstract titled “Using eye tracking for enhancing resilience in control rooms” has been accepted for presentation at the Resilience 2023 conference.

In this abstract, we highlight three principle ways how eye tracking can support decision makers in control rooms: 1) Evaluation of information visualization for decision support systems, 2) unobtrusive assessment of decision-makers’ cognitive state, and 3) supporting distributed cognition through information sharing using eye-gaze.

In our talk, we’ll be presenting our current research progress in each of these directions. We look forward to seeing you at the Resilience 2023 conference in Mexico.

This project has received funding from the Future Resilience Systems program at the Singapore-ETH Center.