• eyetracking@ethz.ch
  • +41 44 633 71 59


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ETIZ Meeting March 2019 – Impressions

More than 30 participants attended the meeting of the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ) hosted by us on 26 March 2019. Our invited speaker Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart) provided insights into his current and past research on pervasive eye tracking. Tiffany Kwok (GeoGazeLab, LAMETTA project) presented her PhD research on gaze-guided narratives. In an interactive mini-workshop, moderated by Arzu Çöltekin (FHNW), attendees brainstormed about challenges of eye tracking in VR and AR displays. Discussions were continued during an apéro, and many took the opportunity to try out a gaze-adaptive map demo (Fabian Göbel, GeoGazeLab, IGAMaps project).

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FeaturEyeTrack: automatic matching of eye tracking data with map features on interactive maps

An article titled “FeaturEyeTrack: automatic matching of eye tracking data with map features on interactive maps” will appear in one of the next issues of the Geoinformatica journal. It is now available online:

FeaturEyeTrack: automatic matching of eye tracking data with map features on interactive maps

Abstract Map reading is a visual task that can strongly vary between individuals and maps of different characteristics. Aspects such as where, when, how long, and in which sequence information on a map is looked at can reveal valuable insights for both the map design process and to better understand cognitive processes of the map user. Contrary to static maps, for which many eye tracking studies are reported in the literature, established methods for tracking and analyzing visual attention on interactive maps are yet missing. In this paper, we present a framework called FeaturEyeTrack that allows to automatically log the cartographic features that have been inspected as well as the mouse input during the interaction with digital interactive maps. In particular, the novelty of FeaturEyeTrack lies in matching of gaze with the vector model of the current map visualization, therefore enabling a very detailed analysis without the requirement for manual annotation. Furthermore, we demonstrate the benefits of this approach in terms of manual work, level of detail and validity compared to state-of-the-art methods through a case study on an interactive cartographic web map.

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ETIZ Meeting March 2019

We are going to host the next meeting of the Eye Tracking Interest Group Zurich (ETIZ). Everyone using, or planning to use eye tracking in their research is cordially welcome!

Date, time: 26th March 2019, 17:30
Place: ETH Zurich Hönggerberg, HIL D 53


17:30 – 17:35

17:35 – 18:15
“Recent Advances Towards Pervasive Eye Tracking”
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bulling, Professor for Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Systems
University of Stuttgart, Germany

18:15 – 18:35
“Gaze-Guided Narratives”
Tiffany C.K. Kwok, Doctoral Student
Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zurich

18:35 – 18:55
“Eye tracking in VR and AR displays: A mini-workshop”
Dr. Arzu Çöltekin, Assoc. Prof., Principal Investigator
Institute for Interactive Technologies IIT, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW

18:55 – 19:00

Apéro, with demo of a gaze-adaptive interactive map by Fabian Göbel, Geoinformation Engineering

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New aviation project: PEGGASUS

PEGGASUS (Pilot Eye Gaze and Gesture tracking for Avionics Systems using Unobtrusive Solutions)

We’re glad to announce the start of a new aviation project at the GeoGazeLab.

Check out our vision for pilot interactions in the cockpit of the future at the project page.

Edit. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 821461

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Full Paper accepted at CHI 2019

Our paper “Gaze-Guided Narratives: Adapting Audio Guide Content to Gaze in Virtual and Real Environments” has been accepted by ACM CHI 2019 as a full paper:

Kwok, T.C.K., Kiefer, P., Schinazi, V.R., Adams, B., and Raubal, M. (2019) Gaze-Guided Narratives: Adapting Audio Guide Content to Gaze in Virtual and Real Environments. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), ACM (accepted)

This paper proposes Gaze-Guided Narratives as an implicit gaze-based interaction concept for guiding tourists through the hidden stories of a city panorama. It reports on the implementation and evaluation of this concept which has been developed as part of the LAMETTA project. This research has been performed in collaboration between the GeoGazeLab, Victor R. Schinazi (Chair of Cognitive Science, ETH Zurich) and Benjamin Adams (Department of Geography, University of Canterbury).

Abstract. Exploring a city panorama from a vantage point is a popular tourist activity. Typical audio guides that support this activity are limited by their lack of responsiveness to user behavior and by the difficulty of matching audio descriptions to the panorama. These limitations can inhibit the acquisition of information and negatively affect user experience. This paper proposes Gaze-Guided Narratives as a novel interaction concept that helps tourists find specific features in the panorama (gaze guidance) while adapting the audio content to what has been previously looked at (content adaptation). Results from a controlled study in a virtual environment (n=60) revealed that a system featuring both gaze guidance and content adaptation obtained better user experience, lower cognitive load, and led to better performance in a mapping task compared to a classic audio guide. A second study with tourists situated at a vantage point (n=16) further demonstrated the feasibility of this approach in the real world.

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Luis Lutnyk joins the team

We are happy to welcome Luis Lutnyk as a new PhD student in the GeoGazeLab! His research will be about eye tracking in aviation.

[Current Team]

Edit. Luis is part of the PEGGASUS project. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 821461

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ET4S – 2nd Call for Papers

A quick reminder for the “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” event that is going to be a track at the “2019 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications” (ETRA).

Feel free to also forward the Call for Papers to any interested colleagues.

We look forward to seeing you again!

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ET4S goes ETRA 2019

We’re glad to announce the 4th edition of the “Eye Tracking for Spatial Research” (ET4S) event which will take place June 25-28, 2019 in Denver, Colorado, USA.

After three successful ET4S workshops in Scarborough (2013), Vienna (2014) and Zurich (2018), the 4th edition of ET4S will be organized as a conference track at the “ACM 2019 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications in Denver” (ETRA)

ET4S aims to bring together researchers from different areas who have a common interest in using eye tracking for research questions related to spatial information and spatial decision making.

The Call for Papers is now available (Paper abstracts due: December 14, 2018).

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News Articles on “Awareness in Aviation” Project

Two news articles published about the “Awareness in Aviation” project (both in German).

One article, written by Dominik Haug for the Aeropers Rundschau, which can be found here: Eye-Tracking – das Auge im Blick.

Another article, written by Benjamin Weinmann for the Aargauer Zeitung, which can be found here.

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Short Paper and Workshop Paper accepted at GIScience 2018

We are happily announcing that two of our papers have been accepted at GIScience 2018 and the Workshop on Spatial big data and machine learning in GIScience:

Fabian Göbel, Peter Kiefer, Ioannis Giannopoulos and Martin Raubal. 2018. Gaze Sequences and Map Task Complexity. GIScience 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

Fabian Göbel, Henry Martin. 2018. Unsupervised Clustering of Eye Tracking Data. Spatial big data and machine learning in GIScience, Workshop at GIScience 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

Both works are part of the IGAMaps project.

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Best Paper at ETVIS 2018

We are happy to announce, that our paper received the best paper award at ETVIS!

David Rudi, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal. 2018. Visualizing Pilot Eye Movements for Flight Instructors. In ETVIS’18: 3rdWorkshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization

The paper is part of the Awareness in Aviation project.

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LAMETTA at GeoSummit: Visit by Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin

We have presented the LAMETTA project at the GeoSummit in Bern (6-7 June 2018), the largest congress for geoinformatics, surveying and planning in Switzerland.

Federal councilor Guy Parmelin was one of the first visitors of our exhibit and was very interested in the innovative system. Due to his subsequent opening speech, there was no time to try out the gaze-based tourist guide to Lake Lucerne himself, but the short visit seemed already impressive.

A large number of visitors from both, industry and academia, visited our exhibit and tried out the system. In addition, our exhibit was part of the GeoSchoolDay – an event in conjunction with GeoSummit which introduces students at high school age to applications and opportunities of geo information technologies. Approx. 500 pupils visited LAMETTA and learned about eye tracking and its application in interactive systems.

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Papers accepted at ETRA and ETVIS

We are happy to announce, that two of our papers have been accepted at ETRA and ETVIS.

Fabian Göbel, Peter Kiefer, Ioannis Giannopoulos, Andrew T. Duchowski, and Martin Raubal. 2018. Improving Map Reading with Gaze-Adaptive Legends. In ETRA ’18: 2018 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications

David Rudi, Peter Kiefer, and Martin Raubal. 2018. Visualizing Pilot Eye Movements for Flight Instructors. In ETVIS’18: 3rdWorkshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization

These papers are part of the IGAMaps and Awareness in Aviation projects.

Peter Kiefer has further been involved in ETRA as an Area Chair.

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Ioannis Giannopoulos Professor at TU Vienna

We congratulate Ioannis Giannopoulos to his new university professor position at TU Vienna, where he is heading the Research Group Geoinformation at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (since January). Ioannis was a PhD student and PostDoc with the GeoGazeLab between 2012 and 2017.

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Science City March 2018 – Impressions

The LAMETTA project has been demoed at this year’s “Treffpunkt Science City” event, an educational program of ETH Zurich for the general public where more than 3,000 visitors came.

Our panorama wall installation and the LAMETTA software allowed our visitors to experience as if they were exploring the view from a vantage point. Just by looking at the interested area (such as lakes, mountains and villages), our system can provide related information to the user.

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Meeting point Science City – March 2018

We’re excited to demonstrate the LAMETTA project at ETH Treffpunkt Science City, the educational programs of ETH Zurich for all. Come and try out an interactive mobile eye tracking system! Explore a mountain panorama and interact with it only by using your gaze (more details)!

You can find us Sunday, 25 March in ETH Hönggerberg HCI, Room E2.

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Call for Papers: Spatial Big Data and Machine Learning in GIScience

Have you ever thought of eye tracking data as spatial “big” data? Are you collecting large amounts of eye tracking data together with geo-spatial coordinates, or are you applying machine learning on such data? Then the workshop on “Spatial Big Data and Machine Learning in GIScience” at this year’s GIScience conference in Melbourne might be interesting for you.

The 1st Call for Papers is now available on the website.

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Position Paper at CHI Workshop on Outdoor HCI

We’ll present our ideas on how to enrich a tourist’s experience with gaze-guided narratives at a CHI workshop in Montreal this year:

Kiefer, P., Adams, B., and Raubal, M. (2018) Gaze-Guided Narratives for Outdoor Tourism. HCI Outdoors: A CHI 2018 Workshop on Understanding Human-Computer Interaction in the Outdoors

This research is part of the LAMETTA project.

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Full Paper accepted at CHI 2018

Andrew T. Duchowski, Krzysztof Krejtz, Izabela Krejtz, Cezary Biele, Anna Niedzielska, Peter Kiefer, Ioannis Giannopoulos, and Martin Raubal (2018). The Index of Pupillary Activity: Measuring Cognitive Load vis-à-vis Task Difficulty with Pupil Oscillation In Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018), ACM (accepted)

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3rd ET4S Workshop

Many thanks to all participating in this workshop and making it an inspiring event.

We have published the workshop proceedings through the ETH Research Collection.

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Student Project Finished: A Public Gaze-Controlled Campus Map

Four Geomatics Master students have developed a public gaze-controlled campus map in the context of an interdisciplinary project work this autumn semester (Nikolaos Bakogiannis, Katharina Henggeler, Roswita Tschümperlin and Yang Xu).

The system prototype has been tested in a one week field study performed at the Campus Info Point at ETH Hönggerberg with 50 campus visitors.

The results of the thesis will be presented at a public event on Thursday 14 December, 2017 between 17:00 – 18:00 at HIL D 53. During the apéro afterwards, you are welcome to try the system yourself.

We’d like to thank the visitor and information management of ETH Zurich Services (in particular Stephanie Braunwalder) for supporting this project

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3rd ET4S Workshop: Call for Demos

You have an interesting eye tracking research prototype to show? You would like to join the ET4S workshop, but have missed the deadline for regular papers? You have a regular paper accepted and would like to take the opportunity to gain even more visibility and get direct feedback for your system?

We’ll have a dedicated demo session at the ET4S workshop in January 2018 in Zurich. We hope you consider submitting a short abstract (1 page) with a demo proposal (before November, 8).

ET4S website: http://spatialeyetracking.org/et4s-2018/

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3rd ET4S Workshop: Keynote by Roman Bednarik

We are glad to announce that the ET4S workshop 2018 will be opened with a keynote given by Roman Bednarik, an adjunct professor at the School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland:


Predicting user states from gaze and other multimodal data

Abstract: In this talk I will present research conducted by our team at UEF related to user state recognition during problem solving and other interactive contexts. We adapt and apply machine learning techniques to model behavioral and mental states, including action prediction and problem-solving state prediction.


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Scientifica 2017 – Impressions

We have demoed the LAMETTA project at this year’s Scientifica, the Zurich science exhibition of ETH Zurich and University of Zurich with more than 30,000 visitors.

Our panorama wall installation enabled visitors to query information about lakes, mountains, and villages just by looking at them. Many visitors found the hidden treasure in the panorama and were rewarded with a piece of Swiss chocolate.

Visitors of all ages tried out and learned more about gaze-based interaction and mobile eye tracking technology. We are happy that so many people were interested and eager to discuss our research and potential applications to tourist guides of the future.

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3rd ET4S Workshop – Registration now open

Registration for the ET4S workshop and the LBS2018 conference is now open:

Early bird discount will be available until 28 November 2017.


We are looking forward to seeing you in Zurich.

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GeoGazeLab at Scientifica 2017

We’re excited to present the LAMETTA project at Scientifica, the science fair of ETH Zurich and University of Zurich. Come and try out an interactive mobile eye tracking system! Explore a mountain panorama and interact with it only by using your gaze (details in German)!

You can find us Friday, 1 September to Sunday, 3 September at University of Zurich main building (West Foyer).

Check out our Scientifica video!